THEM 2 ON THE JAMES AND JUDITH SHOW | VECTIS RADIOTHEM 2- FAKE FUR, FALSE TEETH and TRUE LOVE..... Joan & I can talk the hind legs off a donkey-especially when it is to do with our lives,...
BOATS WITH A DIFFERENCEIt will soon be time to go beach combing again; picking up pieces of driftwood, smooth coloured glass, rusty metal, boat rope, and...
CHARITIES GALOREEvery year I donate a number of original paintings and art work to charities and voluntary organisations. This painting was donated to...
THEM 2-NAVY KNICKERS AND NICKED TV'SI am so excited to be performing again with JOAN ELLIS, writer, author and performer. The next one will be our 10th show mad together...
FACEBOOK CENSORSHIPUnbelievable!- IOW PRIDE wrote a facebook message about the following- KARL STEADMAN was representing the IOW at the WINTER PRIDE UK ARTS...
LEST WE FORGET.Today is HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY. [LEST WE FORGET] I painted this MENORAH as a symbol of what happened to all those who suffered and...
DONATING TO CHARITIES 2018Every year I love to donate a number of my art works to island charities. My first charity is for BENJAMIN who requires a bed to be made...
POEMS IN BOTTLESAs you know I never do anything by halves lol. I am writing my original poems on handmade paper and donating them to be buried, so they...
VERY PRODUCTIVE......It has been over a year since I last wrote on my blog-BUT I have had lots of changes in my life. Especially in terms of the relationship...
SOUTH COAST OPPORTUNITIES 2016In 2016 I want to take the opportunity to perform and exhibit on the south coast. This includes both spoken word poetry and my art and...